The Magic + Medicine of the Fairies (Interview with Maritza Luna Moreno)
Join Maritza Luna Moreno and myself as we dive into one of our all-time favourite topics: the fairies and their magic + healing gifts. In this interview, Luna shares more about her work with the fairies as well as her upcoming deck, the Fairy Medicine Oracle.

3 Steps to Self-Publish Your Own Oracle Card Deck
Do you have an idea for an oracle card deck that you want to create + publish? Or you’ve already designed your deck and are wondering how to distribute it to booksellers like Amazon, Barnes & Noble, or local bookstores? Here are 3 steps to self-publish your oracle card deck!

4 Ways to Find Artwork for Your Oracle Card Deck
Recently, I’ve been getting lots of questions about how I created the artwork for my own and my clients’ oracle card decks—so I’m feeling inspired to share some of my favourite tips with you today. Here are four ways to source beautiful high-quality images for your cards!

3 Ways to Publish Your Own Oracle Card Deck
Have you been thinking about creating your own deck of oracle cards? And you’ve been wondering how to go about getting your deck published once it’s ready? Here are 3 best ways to get started!